Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Privacy for Right to be Forgotten -

Question: Discuss about thePrivacy for Right to be Forgotten. Answer: Synopsis In the given case, what Google faced is the clash between the right to privacy and the right to be forgotten (Harkiolakis, 2013). This is due to the reason that, in the case of Google vs Costeja, court rules out that being the data provider, Google should remove any data, which will harm the privacy of any individuals (Ambrose, 2012). According to the Costeja, some information about him being available in the Google has the potential to affect his image. Thus, he wants Google to remove the information that can malign his image. However, according to Google, this information is not breaching their privacy policies. Identified Issues However, Google adhere with the right to privacy act, which states that they cannot publish any types of the private data in their portal. According to Google, this ruling will adversely affect their business policy due to the fact that, several users will ask for removing any data that they think that the particular information will harm their privacy or reputation. Thus, the basic motive or objective of the search engine being provided by Google will be diluted. Thus, the key issue that will be faced by Google will be the removal of the relevant as well as irrelevant information from their search engine. According to the sorting process of information of Google, they involve a specific algorithm mechanism for providing the information in the search engine (Lazer et al., 2014). Thus, removal of the data will adversely affect the entire process of providing search results. Moreover, there will be a clash between the policy of Google and the understanding of the complainers. This is due to the reason that, according to the standard policy being followed by Google, they will remove the data from their search engine, which they will find inappropriate for the publication (Hashem et al., 2015). However, in the case of the right to forgotten, the extent of removing the content from the site will be depended on the attitude and belief of the complainers. This is due to the reason that, if the complainers found that any data in the search engine is harming their reputation will ask for the removal. However, the information that is being asked for removal may adhere with the privacy policy of Google. Recommendations Recommendations for this issue include issuing a standard guideline by Google about their privacy policies. It will make every stakeholders being aware about the policies followed by them. In addition, it will help Google in acting as evidence in future in case of lawsuits. This will enable Google to present arguments that all the stakeholders are prior adhered with their policies and thus by accessing their service and information, it is being assumed that they have complied with the regulations. Conclusion Thus, it can be concluded that, the right to forgotten will obviously create barrier in the business activities of Google. The entire business potentiality of them will get adversely affected due to the initiation of the right to forgotten act. However, it is being expected that the effective implementation of the recommendations being given will help to reduce the possibilities of the lawsuits in future. Reference Ambrose, M. L. (2012). It's about time: privacy, information life cycles, and the right to be forgotten.Stan. Tech. L. Rev.,16, 369. Harkiolakis, N. (2013). Right to Privacy. InEncyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility(pp. 2082-2087). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Hashem, I. A. T., Yaqoob, I., Anuar, N. B., Mokhtar, S., Gani, A., Khan, S. U. (2015). The rise of big data on cloud computing: Review and open research issues.Information Systems,47, 98-115. Lazer, D., Kennedy, R., King, G., Vespignani, A. (2014). The parable of Google Flu: traps in big data analysis.Science,343(6176), 1203-1205.

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